Monday, December 29, 2008

Blogs I Follow

I've been amazed at the talent that I've found reading other blogs. There certainly is no lack of talent out there!

One of the more revolutionary aspects of this Internet age is the Blog. Now, anybody can have a soapbox without having some Editor, Publisher or Government Censor get in the way. No more rejection slips (even when one might be needed). In fact, Magazines don't really know what to do about it. Who needs magazines, when blogs are free and frankly, often more interesting? Blogs can be updated daily. Don't waste paper. And Blogs are potentially much more interactive with the reader.

I've found a few Blogs that I like. Some are by friends who I have met; others are complete strangers.

Ecological Adventures is by a woman from Utah. Gotta love Utah with some of the most beautiful wild space left in the USA. This blogs intention is to point us towards a more Green lifestyle. I find it interesting. Well done. Practical. Maybe a tad on the Industrial Green side of things.

The Foraging Foodie is done by a nutrition student in Washington State. I like her emphasis on local, natural foods. She is a disciple of Michael Pollan. It is a great website!

A Lone Voice in the Wilderness. I like this guy's photos. Great pictures of hikes in Utah! Some of it is a little Mormoney, but I guess you have to expect that from residents of Utah. (I'm thankful that much of that great State is owned by the Federal Government---which keeps it out of the wily hands of the LDSers.)

Kat Tracks is done by one of Joni's talented Enviro friends. She is an author of an incredibly beautiful book on the Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains. Write her and she might sell you one. She writes in crisp, clean, verveful prose. And she always encourages us to get in touch with the natural world; even if we live in a suburb.

Mud For Everyone. This is a great blog about building with mud. The author is an architect, and a person on a sabbatical. I get the sense that as she travels the world and plays in the mud (she currently is in Thailand), she is really on a quest to find herself. Great photos! And her projects certainly go up a whole lot faster than ours do.

Musings is written by a college friend of mine. Deb was once the Art Teacher of the year in Minnesota and an unrepentant liberal. She now is taking a stab at writing and reports that she "has the bug". Check her out!

A well done blog (and I'm not saying mine attains that level) should be like a magazine. Think of the "Blogs I Follow" as departments. The Followers and Comments are like "letters to the editor". You can even look at the little map of the world and get an idea about the Blogs circulation. And my photos and what I write are always the Feature story.

Thanks for visiting!!


greentangle said...

Dear Editor Allan,

I think my favorite aspect of blogs is the way they lead you off in different directions to other blogs as you do here, and finding the areas of mutual interests along the ways.

I've been stopping in at yours for a few weeks, enough to see areas of strong agreement and disagreement. Thanks for being interesting.

Allan Stellar said...

Thanks Green...

Feel free to chime in whenever you agree, or(maybe more importantly)when you disagree.
