Friday, August 15, 2008

Reverend Scot and the Bamboo Floor

Long day on the 12th. My childhood friend and Lutheran Pastor from Iowa flew to Sacramento to help build the additions. He wanted to experience the Strawbale thing. When I explained to him that we were evacuated, and thus way behind on our plans, Scot graciously decided to come anyway.

Poor Scot. I'd promised him good food and good wine for his help. Instead he got cheap Barefoot Merlot and a peanut butter sandwich now and then (not to mention me calling Christianity a Religion of a Resuscitated Corpse).

Joni and I were a bit disoriented from the last month of trying to move. Scot was a huge help to us! Thanks Scot!
On the Fourteenth, we decided to tackle putting in Bamboo floors. Joni was hesitant about our (Scot and Me) abilities. She has a right to. We have no talent. Here Scot contemplates the project.

We laid our first board across the room. Joyful and Triumphant are we!

And when we finished, this is how the room looks! Not bad for a couple of Nerdy Minnesotans!

And the view from the bathroom...after it was completed!

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