Friday, August 15, 2008

By July 30th...

Jazmine and Kylie went to stay with their Mom for three weeks. They would be back with us on July 30th. My goal was to have water to the bathroom by then (achieved). And to have propane service so that we would have a real civilised life.

We still had hand crews putting out hot spots to the fire, two weeks after we were let in. This group walked through our property one morning. Today, August 15th, we still have CalFire trucks patrolling.

We got the propane!! Twas courageous of them to deliver the gas to a fire zone...

Our Fridge works off of both solar electricity and propane. I don't have enough panels to do the former quite yet. So it's fossil fuel for at least a little while.

We went five weeks without fresh food. So to celebrate having a fridge that works, and the fresh food that having one gives us, we took a photo of the feast. YUM!

We also tried to make the home a bit more cozy. Here I am posing with a couple of heroes.

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