Friday, November 12, 2010

Making Earthcrete...

I've been working on putting the second coat of mud on the house. With winter rains bearing down on us, it is important to get a water impermeable layer on the house. The mud held up well during its first winter---but I think it would be pushing it to not get something more water resistant up.

So I take two parts clay, one part sand, two parts straw and 1 part cement mix and add water. The result is a nice plaster that is resistant to rain. It works great...

Our lone chicken watches over the work...

The problem has been the clay. It is impossible to dig up in the summer without a pick axe. Now it is diggable, but needs to dry in order to sift it to make plaster. My solution? Let it dry in the sun...

We shall continue with this work for the next few days....

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