Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Inside Tin Wall..

My friend Mark flew out from Minnesota to spend a week with us. We had originally planned on taking a couple days to do some backpacking. However, when Mark saw the vast amount of work to be done around here, he graciously decided that the time would be better spent helping us out.

Mark's exact words were: "wow, this is really rustic". He had a puzzled and somewhat perplexed look on his face. I'm thinking he was a tad overwhelmed. And maybe a little bit disoriented as to why a family would choose to live this way.

We decided to finish an interior wall. This meant putting up blue jean insulation and then covering it with 95 year old tin.

It took us a couple of days to complete this project...

Here you can see the blue jean insulation prior to putting up some tin.

The finished project...

Another view...
Of course, it isn't really done. We plan on opening up the doorway into the original cabin. The tin needs to be washed, buffed up with steel wool and then treated with linseed oil to make it shine.

Our intention is to make it look like a combination gas station/barn/brewery. The old look. Yeah, I know---it is weird. But I kind of like it...

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