Friday, August 28, 2009

Yipi-Ai-Oh Mini Tiny Corn Cobs...

I promised, when I started this blog, that I would show everything, warts and all. Our failures and mistakes. This has got to be one of our more embarrassing moments. The corn harvest!

Two foot tall stalks.

Joni approaches the corn cautiously.

Yes, there are ears in there...

Kylie harvests an ear...

Yes, we shall have some of the corn for dinner tonight. The rest Joni plans to make into some creamed corn. We are on a mission to prove eco-poet Gary Snyder wrong...but not this year.
Tomorrow we shall start some real work on the house.

1 comment:

Scot McCluskey said...

Cool, just because you didn't have sweet corn that looks like the stuff raised by the professionals doesn't mean it's a failure. Did you raise corn that you harvested and can eat? Yes! That in my book is a success my friend. Congratulations!!