Thursday, August 28, 2008

Steelhead Dinner

Last evening, with the temperature hovering around 101 degrees, Joni decided to cook dinner outside. This has been one very hot summer. The girls have been very patient with this outdoor lifestyle with no air conditioning.

Kylie showing her culinary prowess.

And Jazmine in the midst of a meltdown.

We all have noticed that our bodies have adapted to the heat. We put on sweat shirts when the temperature hits 78 degrees in the evening. Yet last night was pretty unbearable. With the girls having to go to bed earlier for school, it was 97 degrees when they turned in. Cold wash cloths and wipe downs helped them get comfortable. And they were sleeping as the thermometer hit 94 degrees in the cabin.

Today it is supposed to be hotter. On August first, I reset our nifty difty thermometer that records outside and inside temperatures. It also records the highs and the lows. The high temp this month? 114.7 degrees F. The lowest? 58.8. The highest inside-the-cabin temperature was: 103.5

Cool relief does come though. In the evening, the cool air slides down the mountains, after the heat has subsided from the canyon floor. On really hot days, the cool winds arrive around midnight. On lesser hot days, you can count on a wind switch around 9 or 10 pm. So the wind changes twice a day. Up from the canyon floor during the day; down from the mountains at night. Blessed relief.

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