How we started this morning. I pulled out the remaining bales...

Joni, stuffing some straw into a gap....

Trying to lift a bale...

Gasping from lifting a bale...

Joni applying "scrim" to a bale...eighteen feet off the ground...

Just that little gap left to do...

The view from inside the house. Eighteen feet from the floor to the ceiling...

Another view...
Joni can't help me tomorrow. Since she is the star "bale tier", I will start applying some mud to this wall. Then, when she comes home, we hope to finish off this last wall...
But nothing ever goes according to plan. In short, we must be the slowest natural builders on the planet!
And never forget the story of The Tortoise and The Hare:)
Also remember, Noah's Ark was built by an amateur while the Titanic was built by professionals.
Thanks guys!
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