Now that we have started to put up some walls, we can create more livable space. The view below is (currently) what it looks like from our bedroom, into what will be the living room:

And the view (currently) from the living room, into our bedroom. On the left, where the strawbales are (which I moved and piled again--for the 16th gazillioneth time!) will be the girl's bedroom:

I'm off to Napa yet again tomorrow. Gonna work a couple of extra shifts. But when I return on Saturday, we hope to make quite a bit of progress. More work in the kitchen. Finish putting up the strawbale walls (along with the windows). Plus more cob work--and another picture window installed. Stay tuned...
Or as Bobby Dylan sang: "The times they are a changing"...
Heheh, yay for mountain lions. Now I'm truly inspired to visit and live in the tent.
Come on out Scot. With neighbors on both sides of me adding lambs, goats, bunches of chickens and other poultry---the mountain lions will have much better tasting meat than your old leathery hide. Mountain lions ain't dumb.
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